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Golf Products - Training Aids


GolfNotch – Multi-use Putting Alignment Tool
Putting is the least physical part of golf, but requires the most finesse and accuracy If there is anything that is true about putting, it is that you can make putts in many different ways. The only commonality between the best putters in the world is their ability to consistently line the putter up, and hit it successfully at their target. If you struggle reading greens, lining your putter up consistently, or making short range putts consistently then the GolfNotch is for you.
Let’s face it, we all want to be better putters. If you shoot par, half of your strokes were supposed to be putts. If you shoot over par, you really need to eliminate some of the 3 and 4 putts.
Putting Aids won’t miraculously cure your putting, but if you get the right aids, they can prove to be very useful and help you shave strokes off your scorecard. That is as long as you continue to practice and use the aid in the way it was intended. Putting Aids are designed to provide feedback on specific areas of putting…improve these areas and you will become a better putter.
Putting Mirrors and Putting Gates have been around for a long time and provide instant feedback but sometimes are bulky and you don’t have the extra space in your bag. That’s where GolfNotch comes in. GolfNotch is a simple two-piece, compact, lightweight tool that lets you setup the following drills in under a minute to hone those putting skills.


  • Putting Path – With the putting path drill, you can adjust and close the path to help square your putter face at impact.

  • Funnel Drill – Setting up putting funnel drills is a breeze. Select the width using the tee notches, step and repeat to your target length.

  • Tee Path – The tee notches accommodate all USGA putter widths. Easy precision setup step and repeat to customize your practice routine.

  • Gate Drill – Set up putting gate drills is a breeze, select the width using the tee notches, step and repeat to your target length.

If you can improve your Alignment, Aim and Stroke you will become a better putter.
GolfNotch will help you improve all three. The Putting Path Drill will give you instant feedback on your Alignment and Stroke. The Funnel, Path and Gate Drills sharpen the aim. GolfNotch will help you square your putter face and develop a consistent putting stroke allowing you to take less putts every round.
Sometimes the simplest aids turn out to be the best. I think GolfNotch is definitely one of the simplest and one of the best. I give it a solid #MUSTHAVE training aid.
What have you got to lose, except strokes.

About the Author:

Alan is the founder and publisher of A second-generation Florida native who loves all things Florida. When he's not spending his time golfing, hunting or fishing you can usually find him with his wife watching their daughters coaching volleyball.

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